Sunday 27 January 2008

2+2 = lolocaust

So there's this thing called the internet. It's an interesting place, full of pornography, music and gambling; it's also doesn't appear to have a sense of proportion.

And that brings me to the 2+2 Forum; I suspect that it's inventor David Sklansky had some beautiful utopian ideals when he set the fucking thing up, but at this point he's to busy fucking Brandi Hawbaker and playing like an old Grandma nit. Now this place is only suitable for the kind of people who use the phrase "lol" in a real life conversation. If I read another fucking Brandi Hawbaker thread, or see Bryan Micon's comically retarded mug again, I will be forced to use the suicide gun.

However, there are some good things on the old interw3b, namely "Jumping" Joey Sebok-Greenstiens ipo Pokerroad. Ok, so Amanda Leatherman only got a job as she's nailing the boss, and Pokerroad Radio desperetly needs some funny added to it mainly by by shooting Bart Hanson and bring Stapes back, but Two Jacks in the Hole consistantly brings the funny, and Big Poker Sunday is the first choice for sensible poker debate. And for fucks sake they need some new adverts - if Joe Sebok tells me how he's got my ears covered I'm gonna seek out Micon pictures.

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